Press contact
Here you'll find the latest press releases, information about media visits and more to help you experience all that we have to offer at Icehotel.
Press & Media
Press Information
We are happy to provide journalists with background material, comprehensive press kits, story ideas, fact checks and proofing as well as arranging interviews for stories.
All press visits to ICEHOTEL shall be approved by our PR department. For questions, contact us at [email protected].

Press Kit
To ease your search for knowledge we have put together lots of interesting information about Icehotel in one comprehensive press kit. Besides editorial work for press, this press kit is also very suitable for students looking for knowledge about the company.
Press Images
We offer a wide range of photos from Icehotel for your editorial work. Follow the button and use the log in credentials:
User: press
Pass: icehotel_press_images
Important note
All images are the exclusive property of Icehotel and the photographer, and are protected under International Copyright Law. The images may not be reproduced, copied, transmitted or manipulated without a written consent from Icehotel. Editorial use only. All images should be credited with a link to www.icehotel.com and the names of the artist(s) & the photographer.

We love to see the result from the media. Here you can read the latest articles and interviews about Icehotel.

Note that guests are not allowed to fly drones at the ICEHOTEL area without permission from our marketing and press department. Please contact [email protected] with questions or requests.
Flying drones inside any of the buildings on the hotel property is strictly prohibited!
Read the latest press releases